Nannostomus Espei (Barred Pencilfish) Cheat Sheet

Nannostomus Espei (Barred Pencilfish) is originated from the rivers of Guyana. You can best identify them by the 5 black stripes, vertically positioned on each flank. They are so hard to breed in captivity. That’s why the price tag on this fish can be more than what you might expect.

Imagetwo nannostomus espei (barred pencilfish) swimming together
Scientific nameNannostomus Espei
Common nameBarred Pencilfish
Temperament (to other fish)Peaceful
Temperament (to own type)Peaceful
Sexing (or gender identification)Black stripes are more visible and brighter for male Nannostomus Espei (Barred Pencilfish) whereas females display pale stripes.
Swim areaMid – Top level
BreedingIt’s so hard to breed in an aquarium setup. Very specific conditions should met for a successful batch. Adult fish should be removed from the breeding tank once the eggs are laid. Breeding should occur when the water temp is 77 °F, water hardness is less than 2 and the pH is 6. Eggs will hatch in 1 to 3 days.
Temperature72 °F – 79 °F
pH6.0 – 7.0 (6.0 when breeding)
Water hardness5.0 – 10.0 (Soft – Very Hard)
Maximum size in length1.5 inches
Minimum aquarium size10 gallon
Difficulty3 (Easy)
Additional commentsThey are schooling fish and have to be kept in groups.
Nannostomus Espei (Barred Pencilfish) Cheat Sheet